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Bangalore To Toronto Distance

Bangalore to Toronto Distance

The estimate Bangalore to Toronto flight distance is 13333 KM. If calculated in miles, Bangalore to Toronto distance comes out to be 8284.74 miles.

Note: The distance for every Bangalore to Toronto flight will vary. That’s because the Bangalore to Toronto distance by air calculated above is the straight line distance. Also because the flight can take a different route than the one taken as the reference.

If you’re wondering what the Bangalore to Toronto distance by road is, it won’t be needed since one can’t travel to Toronto from Bangalore by road.

Bangalore to Toronto Information

Aerial Distance

13333 KM

Flight Duration

20 Hours 50 Minutes

Departure Airport

Kempegowda International Airport Bengaluru (BLR)

Arrival Airport

Lester B. Pearson International Airport

Minimum One Way airfare

Rs. 47614

Airline Operating

KLM , United Airways

Bangalore to Toronto Flight Booking Deals

Distances for Other Popular Routes

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Popular Routes To/From Toronto

Bangalore to Toronto Flights   Chennai to Toronto Flights   Delhi to Toronto Flights   Hyderabad to Toronto Flights   Mumbai to Toronto Flights   Toronto to Chennai   Toronto to Delhi   Toronto to Mumbai

Travanya, a renowned tour and travel portalmakes your trip easy by sharing Bangalore to Toronto distance by air. You can use this information to plan your journey in an optimum manner. Besides this, we also tell you about India to Toronto time difference and the airports near Toronto so that your trip is smooth.

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