Want to know the Meerut to Rishikesh distance? The estimate Meerut to Rishikesh distance by road is 161.1 Km. If calculated in miles, it comes out to be 100.1 miles.
On the other hand, Meerut to Rishikesh distance by air will waver as there is no airport (therefore no flights) in Rishikesh. You will have to search for flights to the nearest airport to Rishikesh which is Dehradun. Thus, you will have to take Meerut to Dehradun flights.
Meerut to Rishikesh Road Distance | 161.1 KM |
Meerut to Rishikesh Travel Time (Road) | 3 hour to 4 hour |
Departure Airport | Indira Gandhi International Airport |
Arrival Airport (Nearby) | Jolly Grant airport |
Minimum One Way airfare | INR3908 |
Airline Operating | Indigo,Vistara, Go First, Air India |
Given below is the Haridwar distance from some of the famous destinations in India.
Travanya, a reputed tour and travel platform, helps make plannings easy. Rishikesh is one of the popular temples in India which makes travellers visit this place. With this information, you can plan your trip with ease today!
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